Thursday, November 4, 2010

Moving on...

The last post was pretty depressing!  Whew!  Glad that's over.

The phone has stopped ringing.  The mail volume has dramatically dropped.  The television is back to normal...whatever normal is!!!  The elections are over.  The winners are elated and those defeated are licking their wounds.  Everyone now wants to play nice.  Amazing hypocrisy!

The autumn weather is beautiful and I am a blessed man.  I found out yesterday that I will need radiation on my nose for the skin cancer thing.  I'll postpone until the first of January and then will go five days a week for five weeks.  The oncology radiologist I'm going to is wonderful.  She's such a nice person and very caring.  So, that will be taken care of in the very near future.

Change is coming for the Country Brook Ward.  Salt Lake has approved the recommended changes and all of that will take place on the 21st of November.  There will be some tenderness associated with the changes.  I'll post as I get more information.

I am so glad that life is returning to a bit of normalcy...that probably won't last long.  Onward!!!

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